
Enjoy a Sweet Treat with Clarkson Avenue Crumb Cake Co

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I love to sit, relax in the morning with a nice cup of coffee and a nice sweet piece of crumb cake. Crumb cake is one of my favorite desserts, and you will love these crumb cakes from the Clarkson Avenue Crumb Cake Company. What flavor will be your favorite? They are so decadent, sweet, and delicious! 

Celebrate your next picnic or barbecue with a nostalgic sweet treat! Clarkson Avenue Crumb Cakes are baked fresh using an old-fashioned family recipe from 1950s Brooklyn, NY and are shipped directly to your door.  They come in a variety of flavors beyond the crowd pleasing classic, including blueberry, salted caramel and more!  They even have a gluten free version.  

About Clarkson Ave. Crumb Cake Company:

Growing up in Brooklyn during the 1950’s it was a much simpler time, not carefree, just simpler. As kids, we found pleasure in the small things, a “Spaldeen” with a good bounce, a sack of marbles and bottle caps to play “skully”. It was a time when baseball players were guys that lived in your neighborhood and played ball for a job. When sitting on your stoop with friends and family watching the cars go by instead of T.V. was the norm. A time when your telephone number began with a word rather than numbers- “Dickens 5!” Enjoying all the treats your neighborhood had to offer. A good dill pickle, a great knish, Brooklyn pizza… and, oh yes, New York Crumb Cakes.

The “gang” on Clarkson Avenue loved this stuff. It was a special, pure pleasure that the family enjoyed together… especially picking the crumbs off the cake. Over the years, it just seemed like we couldn’t get the same kind of New York crumb cake we had as kids. So at the Clarkson Avenue Crumb Cake Company, we set out to fix that. And we did. Our cakes are moist, our crumbs are plump- the combination in our New York crumb cakes is perfection.
With our online crumb cake delivery, we invite you and your family to sit on our “stoop”, grab some crumb cake, relax, enjoy the moment and create your own memories. Connect to a simpler time. A time not without its own issues but a time that a simple bite could make life seem like a piece of cake…

Full size cakes piled high with crumb topping are available in 8×8 size or they also come in a 12-pack of perfectly portioned individual servings called Crumbkins.  All of the cakes are made with natural ingredients and are preservative free. Serve your guests or family the taste of homemade goodness without doing all of the work! 

You can purchase your own Clarkson Avenue Crumb Cake on their Website. 

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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