
Enjoy all the flavor with fewer Calories – Delicious CauliPower Pizza Made with Fresh Vegetables

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Summertime means lots of outdoor activity and exercise. For me, it means that I am trying to shed those few winter time pounds that we’ve added over the colder months. The hard part is changing our eating habits to accommodate a healthier lifestyle. I will say that I started changing my eating habits back in February after having my annual blood work results and discovered my A1C was higher than both I and my doctor would like it to be.

If you know me, you know that my favorite food in the world is pizza. Changing that carbohydrate powerhouse in my life was going to be hard, or so I thought, until I happened upon something that has been life-changing – CaulipowerI am excited that I don’t have to give up the taste of my favorite food – Pizza! With Caulipower, this has all of the delicious taste of pizza without the empty calories and carbs of the crust. That is why the crust is made out of a delicious vegetable – Cauliflower.
Caulipower pizza crust is gluten-free and has 50% less sugars than other gluten-free pizza brands. My personal favorite is the Margherita pizza. It is made with fresh tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, extra virgin olive oil and garlic spices for the perfect Italian zesty taste.
The pizza bakes up perfectly and is the perfect size for a family of 2-4. The best part is that myself and my daughter didn’t really notice the difference in the crust taste. When baked up, the crust is very thin, crispy and 100% delicious. Cauliflower is so healthy. It is filled with nutrients that help with heart disease, arthritis, diabetes and more. It is filled with antioxidants and vitamin C. Caulipower has made our healthier eating habit change easier and truly delicious. My doctor loves the results as much as me, as I am down 30 pounds since I started my diet on February 5th.

Caulipower has 4 delicious flavors including Veggie, Plain (to create your own pizza), Margherita and Three-Cheese Blend. This gives you tons of options and delicious, creative ways to feed your family a healthier pizza. For the addition of protein you can add things like ground turkey or pork atop to get that meatier pizza taste.

Caulipower is available for home-delivery through Amazon or in major retailers in the western region. Be sure to come back and tell me your thoughts on Caulipower after trying it out for yourself. You will love the taste.

Stay connected with Caulipower to see what new flavors they bring to the table.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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