
Enjoy Exclusive Flavors from Japan with Japan Crate Subscription Box

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Are you looking to take a trip abroad, but simply cannot afford the travel costs? How about enjoying the delicious flavors of Japan, delivered right to your own doorstep? You can do so with Japan Crate subscription box! About Japan Crate

At Japan Crate, we’re all about the Japanese candy culture. We source from the best, most obscure places to bring you the greatest variety of candy at the lowest price! All products In your Japan Crate are always guaranteed to be full-sized, delicious goodies. Subscribe and see for yourself!

The idea of Japan Crate came to me when I was in Japan early in 2014. I’ve always been into Japanese culture since I was a kid, so actually being able to go to Tokyo was like a dream come true. Once there, I immediately fell in love with Japan – the bright lights, delicious smells, crazy music.

That’s when I decided to start a monthly subscription box for Japanese candy and snacks. My plan was not only to send candy in a box, but to take the excitement, bewilderment, and happiness that I experienced from Japan and share that with everyone each month. Candy just happened to be the perfect vehicle for this. Thus Japan Crate was born, and in September of 2014 we officially started shipping our first crates.

Since then, Japan Crate has evolved into much more than another subscription box. Japan Crate is a monthly experience where you can enjoy the awesomeness of Japanese culture through the most exclusive candy.

Japan Crate is filled with delicious and unique flavors you can only experience in Japan. What better way to enjoy than having it shipped to your home and try a new, diverse array of goodies for yourself and your family.

What sets Japan Crate apart from other food subscriptions boxes is, not only is it choked full of unique foods, but it also takes you on a fun journey along the way as your try different treats. 

Each box comes with 18-20 snacks and candies, all ranging in a savory to sweet taste and varying textures. It also includes a fun drink that is only exclusive to Japan, that cannot be found elsewhere. 

Each box also include a fun collectible toy or item and a booklet that explains more detail of all the box contents and an immersive experience with prizes up for grabs!

Are you ready to get started on your Japanese culinary journey? You can choose from multiple subscription choices including 1-12 months. Get a box for yourself or as a fun gift for someone you know. 

Connect socially with Japan Crate to see what boxes are coming up.

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