
Everything You Need To Know About Baby Skin Rashes

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Your baby is such a fragile bundle of joy that you can’t help but worry even when you see just the slightest skin rash or a bump here and there.This is particularly true for first-time parents who wonder why these rashes keep on appearing no matter how they shield their babies from dirt and contaminants.  Not to mention using cheap synthetic baby skin care products can cause discomfort and irritation to your baby’s skin. It’s important to understand why organic baby products provide a better safer healing process to normal skin rashes.  

No matter how protective you are, a baby’s skin is so sensitive it is prone to breakouts and rashes. Worrying is natural, although you can lessen the stress by becoming more familiar with rashes and allergies that can affect your baby’s skin.  Also, learn how parents are saving thousands of dollars per year with this leading Diaper Subscription.

What Are Baby Skin Rashes?

Your baby is such a fragile bundle of joy that you can’t help but worry even when you see just the slightest skin rash or a bump here and there. This is particularly true for first time parents who wonder why these rashes keep on appearing no matter how they shield their babies from dirt and contaminants. No matter how protective you are, a baby’s skin is so sensitive it is prone to breakouts and rashes. Worrying is natural, although you can lessen the stress by becoming more familiar with rashes and allergies that can affect your baby’s skin.

Here are some of the most common skin rashes you might want to watch out for:

Diaper Rash

When you see that bright red patch on your baby’s skin right where he wears his undies, then that could be diaper rash. This rash comes as a result of prolonged exposure to feces or urine. You can avoid this by frequently changing your baby’s diapers. Some parents leave the diapers on their baby’s bottoms for longer periods not knowing that this can lead to rashes. For fast relief, use an ointment or cream every time you change your baby’s diaper. Most diaper rash will clear up easily but if the bottom starts to blister then it is time to see the doctor.


This itchy red rash is also known as urticaria and is commonly found on various body parts including the back, chest, throat and even on the stomach. It comes as a result of certain allergens but can also appear for just about any reason. It usually disappears but if the itch becomes unbearable for your baby then you can get medication over the counter.

Baby Acne

Your month-old baby can be susceptible to baby acne especially on the cheeks and forehead. The condition, which has been attributed to maternal hormones, usually disappears by itself. You can, however, ease your baby’s discomfort by washing your baby’s face with water and baby soap.

Staphylococcus epidermidis

This bacteria, commonly found on the skin of humans, can cause infection when they interact with other microorganisms. This infection is usually contracted in hospitals by those who have weak immune systems. It can lead to skin diseases that are not easily cured by antibiotics including amoxicillin or penicillin.

Baby Eczema

If there one skin condition you would not want your baby to have, it would be baby eczema. This condition appears as dry and scaly skin which can be very itchy. It usually comes as a result of exposure to extreme temperatures. You can minimize the itch and sting by applying a moisturizing cream or ointment on your baby’s skin.

Eczema can catch you unaware as the itching comes first before the rashes. The condition usually starts as rashes on baby’s skin but as your child gets older, it can look like dry and scaly patches. Among the most common types of atopic eczema are:

  • Atopic Dermatitis.  This is a chronic skin condition that tend to appear even on baby’s skin. It can be very itchy and sometimes it comes with asthma.


  • Infantile Seborrheic Dermatitis (Cradle Cap). Babies can also be infected with Infantile Seborrheic Dermatitis, a condition commonly known as cradle cap. It appears on the scalp of your baby but can also be found in the baby’s armpits, diaper area and other skin areas where there are folds.
  • Contact Dermatitis. Moms or those who take care of babies should be advised against wearing anything that can cause allergic reactions such as contact dermatitis. This includes jewelry, fragrance, cosmetics and even soaps. Even a moustache can be irritating to baby’s skin and can lead to this condition. To ease the itchiness, you can soothe your baby’s skin with anti-itch ointments or creams and wet compresses.


Port-Wine Stain

This is classified as a birthmark that looks more like spilled wine. Its color can intensify from light pink to dark maroon as your baby grows. While it does not cause any pain or itch, it can be disturbing for your child. It can be minimized by laser therapy.

Molluscum Contagiosum

This viral infection looks like bumps which when scratched can infect the skin. It disappears even without treatment but there is an option to have it removed by a doctor. While it affects those with weak immune systems, it can also appear in the genitals of adults and referred to as a sexually transmitted infection.

Fungal Rash

This is a common skin infection and can be any of the following conditions: yeast infection, ringworm, jock itch or athlete’s foot. When it manifests as itchy blisters on the foot, then it is definitely athlete’s foot. It comes as a result of exposing the feet to moist environment such as public showers, swimming pools or even wet shoes or socks.

Best Treatment for Baby Skin Rashes

The skin rashes that may affect your baby may vary in name but the treatments for these rashes are sometimes pretty common. Keeping your baby clean at all times will help keep these skin rashes at bay. However, when it can no longer be avoided, you can try the following treatments;

  • Give your baby a warm bath
  • Moisturize with Gentle Cream and Products
  • Treat Skin Rash With Plant-Based Organic Solution

When To See A Doctor

Any rash on the skin can be irritating for your baby. Some rashes can even be contagious and deadly. Whatever your child’s age, make sure to keep him or her away from other children and even pregnant women to avoid contamination and infection.

While there are remedies that are easily available at home or at your neighborhood pharmacy, it is important to monitor your baby’s situation and see a doctor before the skin rashes gets worse. While you can initially mitigate the itch and the pain, you have to consult with an expert to make sure the condition is immediately addressed and to ensure that it is not a symptom of an underlying illness.

Diapers and extreme temperatures do not usually agree with babies who have sensitive skins. While washing your baby’s skin with water and a mild soap can help keep the skin clean, overwashing can also irritate and make the skin dry. Make sure you moisturize your baby’s skin with hypoallergenic and organic products. Otherwise, prepare to take care of a grumpy baby.

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