
Five Back-To-School Toys For Creative Inspiration

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Kids are heading back to school and it is always a fun time for kids and parents, alike. Acclimating to a routine and schedule can be rough the first couple of weeks. To keep them interested in learning and in a fun way, here are four great toys that kids will enjoy.


HighlightsThe beloved Highlights brand is stepping up to the challenge with Highlights™ Tracing Learning Pack, 168 pages that gives early learners plenty of practice activities, starting with straight lines and progressing to curves, zigzags and shapes, with fun, colorful images and kid-friendly themes. Perfect for preschool or kindergarten readiness. Recommended for kids ages 3-6.

Hand2mindThe Learn to Read with BOB BOOKS® and VersaTiles® series offer a fun puzzle-like way to practice reading! 10-12 Bob Books per set introduce kids to the fun of reading at three levels: Beginning Readers, Advancing Beginners, and Sight Words. Children can practice the skills they are learning by doing activities in their hands-on VersaTiles workbook, which uses simple pattern puzzles to help children comprehend what they are learning and build confidence in their reading abilities. Recommended for kids ages 3-5+.

Educational Insights + Highlights’ Hot Dots Jr.

Winner of the Parents’ Choice Approved Award, National Parenting Center Seal of Approval, and NAPPA Silver Award, Hot Dots Jr., featuring Pete the Cat, from Highlights and Educational Insights helps make learning a little groovier with new interactive learning sets! This set provides Preschool or Kindergartners with 200+ fun, interactive lessons in reading, math, science, social studies, and MORE. Press Pete to an answer dot—he offers affirmative sounds and green lights for correct responses & red lights and lively tones for incorrect responses, which helps develop critical early learning skills and encourages self-paced, independent learning. Recommended for kids ages 3-6.

Design & Drill(R) Space Circuits

With Space Circuits, STEM-gineers use a kid-safe power drill and smaller bolts to complete awesome astronaut challenges like wiring circuits to spin fans and light lights, all the while building basic math and engineering skills, confidence, and creativity too. Recommended for kids ages 5+.

The STEM at play!

This series introduces kids in grades 3–12 to the wonders of STEM skills through a wide variety of experiment and activity kits. Ranging from slime to combustion science to a create-your-own-candy kit, each kit comes with a lab and career guide detailing each experiments’ instructions and a study of the particular field of science the kit explores. Recommended for kids ages 8-17.

Do you have some favorite school toys that you enjoy with your kids? Share what yours are in the comments below.

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