
Great Read for Tweens & Teens – Sorgho Squad by Nate Blum

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Nate Blum, author of the popular new children’s book series Sorgho Squad. The series now consists of three books and are a great read for tweens and teens.

These thrilling books follow a team of experts as they travel the world unraveling mysteries about sustainable farming. But beyond the riveting plot, the series provides an insightful journey from farm to table.

About the Author

Nate Blum serves as the Chief Executive Officer of BlüMilo and Sorghum United. He is an expert on grain sorghum production and marketing, with a focus on value-added agriculture processing for sorghum-based products. Blum has represented Nebraska producers on a global scale in Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Vietnam, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Jordan, Great Britain, Scotland, Australia, Japan, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Nations FAO. He has served on the Nebraska Grain Sorghum Board; the Nebraska Sorghum Producers Association; and the USDA Grains, Feed, and Oilseeds Ag Trade Advisory Committee (ATAC). He is an Alumnus of the University of Nebraska and the Nebraska Leadership, Education, Agriculture, Development (LEAD) Program. He also recently served as the vice president of the Nebraska LEAD Alumni Association. In his free time, Blum enjoys volunteering for local non-profits and organizing community events.

Blum’s books showcase where our food comes from, how it’s grown and the real-life issues farmers face today. The characters travel to actual agricultural regions grappling with challenges like drought, pests and food insecurity.

Young readers get an accessible look at the science and labor behind the food on their dinner plates. The books cover everything from grain production, to plant breeding, to strategies for climate resilience.

You can find all three Sorgho Squad books available on Amazon.

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