
Gut Health & Wellness News: Meet Jetson – The World’s First SEASONAL Probiotic

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I know that we have all heard the amazing benefits of probiotics and how they relate to gut health. You can find every kind of probiotic product on the market, but have you ever heard of a unique product known as a seasonal probiotic? Let me tell you more about Jetson and how you can great benefit from it.

About Jetson

Jetson is the world’s first seasonal probiotic founded by Stefan Weitz in June 2019. Made in small batches, Jetson uses the latest bacteria strains discovered by science to constantly innovate and improve the product – going from development to delivery in around 30 days. Delivered fresh each month, Jetson’s seasonal probiotics provide specific formulations tailored to address your bodies’ unique needs year-round for $35 a month. To keep it fresh & purchase Jetson, please visit

Jetson – the world’s first and only seasonal probiotic!

What does that mean? They change their formulation every three months to include specific bacteria strains that correspond to what your body needs each season – allergies, mood, immunity, energy are just a few of the challenges they tackle throughout the year. Their products are fresh because they skip the retail middleman and send them straight from the lab to your door so they’re not sitting on a shelf for months becoming less and less effective.

Why does all this matter?

A healthy gut is linked to everything from weight loss to reversing depression. Every day a new study comes out linking a vibrant microbiome to resolving some other condition.  But when you look around, it’s shocking to see how complicated it is to find a good one.

Besides the fact that there are over 450 probiotics on the market (and a dedicated refrigerator for them at Whole Foods!), many of them suck.  They are stale, use a single strain, and only focus on going #2.

How Jetson was born

So Jetson founder, Stefan Weitz, was diagnosed with MS 14 years ago and Jetson is the culmination of years of research, tests and learnings that he’s uncovered throughout his journey. 

When he was diagnosed, Stefan was running tech. teams across four continents (one of the founders of Microsoft Bing) and had a young daughter to raise. He got on traditional western treatments that helped slow the disease but it made him feel like he had the flu for seven years coupled with crippling depression and constant pain. Not great for a leader in the tech. world or for a young dad.  

Something had to change.  He was fortunate in that he had access to resources, scientists, and doctors to help fight this disease in less traditional ways.  The team of doctors, nutritionists, researchers and coaches he assembled (including Dr. Mark Hyman, who led the charge) fixed him, plain and simple.  The results? He went from popping painkillers 6 times a day to zero in three weeks.  He got his energy back, he got his wit back – the disease has stopped in its tracks. 

Part of what he discovered in his journey was the amount of evidence pointing to how your ‘gut’ affects so much of your overall health – the number of conditions that a healthy gut can treat are astounding.  Science showed organisms that live in your gut can help with everything from heart disease to diabetes, eczema to depression – he was blown away.  This led to him founding Jetson – a proB that he himself would use that is fresh, seasonal and multi-functional.  By taking all of the learnings throughout his journey, Stefan wants to help others with less access to the resources he has at his fingertips, get healthier. 

I have been using Jetson summer FIT probiotics for weeks now and can tell you I substantially notice the difference in my gut health and overall well feeling. I cannot wait to try MOOD for fall probiotic health.

You can find Jetson online and have a monthly subscription sent right to your door. Month after month, you will have the right, seasonal probiotic that you need for premium gut health. Get started connecting with Jetson today.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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