
Help Kids Manage Positivity with Wishing Pixies

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Ready for this holiday seasons newest craze-sensation. It’s more than a toy, app, or game, it’s a parenting tool that helps families create and reinforce positive and healthy behaviors for their child and raise emotionally strong, mindful, and confident children who believe in the power of positive thoughts. All with an app and some cute pixie dolls – Wishing Pixies

Children use the mobile app and parents use a responsive website to manage the interactions with their children acting as the pixie, so they (as the parent) don’t have to be the bad guy asking them to do chores. Parents can assign daily affirmations, tasks, and meditations for children to complete to receive pixie dust that can be used to earn a reward.

What started this unique idea?

One mom who pretended to be the tooth fairy with her child, writing notes back and forth. She learned more about her child than she ever would have as her mother. This is why her favorite feature is the chat section, where parents can talk to there kids as if they are the Pixies.

 Key benefits?

  • Make children emotionally strong that they become unaffected by bullies.
  • Increase their positive thinking so they could actually become immune to anxiety and depression.
  • A greater bond between parent and child and a better understanding of what they are dealing with and how to help them.
  • Children know they can achieve any goal they set for themselves


The pixies and app must be used for the full effect, or else it can be difficult for kids to stay engaged long term. I have given our two new Wishing Pixies to Willow, age 7 and what a remarkable concept it has been for her. She has already been a strong-spirited independent little girl and Wishing Pixies is helping to maintain and cultivate this further as she grows.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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