
Get Great Skin Protection with Dermatone Skin Products

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Just because the weather is cooling down, does not mean you need to stop taking care of your skin. Let me tell you about a wonderful line of skincare products from Dermatone that can give you full coverage protection every season of the year.

More About Dermatone Skin Products

Dermatone was created in 1981 with one goal – to offer athletes and outdoor enthusiasts the highest quality skin protection possible. More than 30 years later, we haven’t lost our focus. We realize that nature’s elements are unforgiving and often unpredictable, and that quality skin protection can sometimes be the difference between success and failure, or even life and death.

Dermatone has been tested in some of the most extreme environments on Earth, including Mt. Everest, K2, Antarctica, Afghanistan, and Death Valley. Our long-lasting, water-resistant, sweat-resistant, and broad-spectrum SPF formulas have become standard in expedition packs, ski jackets, life vests, first aid kits, and pockets everywhere.

Dermatone is the official sunscreen sponsor of the US Ski Team, US Snowboarding Team, US Freeskiing, and Army Bass Anglers.

My personal favorite Dermatone product has to be the No-Touch Sunscreen and Chunky Medicated Lip Balm.

The No-Touch Stick Sunscreen just like a stick of deodorant, conceptually. It can be applied liberally or conservatively and is perfect for outdoor activities like camping, swimming skiing, fishing and much more. Fits conveniently in any sized travel bag and wonderful to take anywhere. We are in full football season in my house and it fits into the gym bag for weekly practices and games very nicely.

The Medicated Chunky Lip Balm is a great, pocket-sized product that I take with me everywhere. It protects my lips from sun and cold wind exposure and keeps them moist and healthy.

I recommend you fill your medicine cabinet this fall season, just in time for the colder temps and product every part of your body. Stay connected socially with Dermatone for the latest sames and product information.


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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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