
How to Approach the Subject of Senior Living with Your Parents

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A lot of people are reluctant to talk about senior living with their parents for different reasons. Some people may feel like they’ll be abandoning them by doing so or assume that the parent will be hostile to the idea. But you might be surprised at how open they could be to living in a senior community if you make it attractive to them. You may also have to remind them that they’re not the person they used to be and may need additional help. Let’s take a look at how you can approach the subject of senior living with your parents.

Make a List of Concerns

You should first build a list of things that concern you that you can discuss with your parents. This will help drive the point home and let them know that you’re doing this because you are genuinely concerned about their well-being. If you are worried that they are not getting the nutrition that they need, for instance, or that their house may not be the safest environment for them, mark these things down and let them know when you have your talk.

Start Doing Your Research

It’s also important that you know what retirement homes and senior facilities are like so that you don’t have misconceptions and echo them to your parents. You need to know about the structure and what your parents will have to expect when they live there. You should also start looking at different types of living arrangements so you can make suggestions.

You can go a step further and start building a list of retirement homes that would be perfect for your parents. The list of concerns you made earlier could help here.

If they live in an urban area like St Louis, for instance, and you fear for their safety and they are suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s on top of it, then you could go for a memory care facility Richmond Heights that would give them easy access to the city while being in a much safer environment. They’ll also look after any needs they may have such as taking medication on time, remembering appointments, and everyday tasks like cleaning, cooking, and doing laundry, among others.

Let them Know About the Benefits of Senior Living

It’s also important that you make a list of the benefits of living in a senior community. Tell them how it will help them simplify their finances, and how they’ll be able to have a better social life. You should also take the time to visit a few senior homes in your area so they can gauge the atmosphere themselves. They may realize how fun these communities can be, and how much better their life would be if they lived there.

Don’t Rush

Don’t rush your parent’s decision unless their life is in immediate danger. It is their choice if they want to live in a home after all, and the more you pressure them, the greater the chance they’ll push back.

Plant the seed and let them do their research on their own. You can always bring the subject back from time to time, but only so you can get feedback and not force or pressure them.

Senior living communities can be a great place for any senior, but you still have to be tactful when approaching the subject with a loved one. These tips should help you bring it up and make the option as attractive as possible to them, so commit them to memory and start speaking with other relatives if you feel like they could help.

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