
Kids Enjoy School Fun with Playmobil School Bus #MegaChristmas23

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Have you introduced your children to the wonderful world of Playmobil toys? I remember when my daughter was very little, she loved building and exploring lots of things. Playmobil helped cultivate and enhance this passion, and even years later, they are still delivering quality toys that inspire and intrigue kids of many ages. Let me tell you about one of the newest additions, but with a classic look, the Playmobil School Bus.

About Playmobil

The Business Unit is presenting a mix of novelties and classic themes. Popular product worlds such as Farm, Rescue, School, Princesses or Knights are interpreted in a modern way and score with fresh ideas. “For us, the consumer always is the focus. Playmobil shows how megatrends such as diversity or sustainability can be combined with inspiring play experiences”, says Balser. For example, with the Farm, the Horse World as well as Wiltopia, three Playmobil series will be on the market this year that are on average made of more than 80 percent sustainable material.

Playmobil School Bus

Time for school! Head out for a day of learning on the School Bus. The functioning front and rear lights flash as the bus driver approaches the bus stop and extends the stop sign. Once the double doors open, the kids can climb aboard and choose a seat. Easily access the spacious interior, with seating for up to seven figures, thanks to the removable roof. Set includes bus driver, three students, backpacks, lunch bag, pencils, and other accessories.

Playmobil toys are available on Amazon and Playmobil.Us.

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