
La Maison Du Chocolat Sweet Treat for Graduation #GradGifts17

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Looking to give that grad in your life something unique and special? Celebrate with the sweet taste of La Maison du ChocolatsPerfect for the style-minded, art-centric grad, La Maison du Chocolat – celebrating its 40th anniversary this October – has commissioned Nasty, founder of the French street-art scene, to design limited-edition, custom gifts boxes. The recently launched ‘Choc is Chic’ collection is now available online and in boutiques. Image the grad or artist in your life and how much they would adore this collectible box of delicious chocolates.The chocolates are sweet and tantalizing and the uniquely decorative boxes are a true keepsake. You can pick up a box for yourself or that newly graduated student in your life. Stay connected socially with La Maison du Chocolat and see what awe-inspiring decor they come up with next.

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One thought on “La Maison Du Chocolat Sweet Treat for Graduation #GradGifts17

  • Love this unique packaging. Would even be a great gift for the art love in your life.

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