
Make Your Air Conditioner Smart with SensiboAir

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Summer is coming quicker than we think and with that comes hot temperatures. If I am not comfortable in my own home I can get grumpy so I want to make sure I can control my air conditioner if I am away so I can make sure it is nice and cool by the time I get home. Happy Mom, happy family! 

We’re excited to announce that Sensibo Air, the first smart-sensing air conditioning controller, is now compatible with Apple’s HomeKit — making your smart home even smarter! It may be hard to imagine for some right now that summer will be here before we know it. This new update will make saving money and energy with AC – and heat pumps – even easier.

Using the phone location – Sensibo automatically turns on the A/C before you arrive. It also turns off the A/C when everybody leaves, and helps to save energy and enjoy a peace of mind.

Sensibo’s advanced smart sensing algorithms save up to 40% on utility bills by letting you define triggers and schedules, helping you choose the right temperature settings and reminding you to clean your filters.

Sensibo Air uses a multitude of sensors along with AI technology to optimize indoor climate, reduce energy consumption (saving money!), and provide useful tips based on outdoor climate and air quality data. A ‘set and forget’ gadget, the completely wireless Sensibo Air does the work for you by sensing temperature, humidity and motion in the desired location and adjusting your AC accordingly. Combined with the Sensibo Pure air purifier, you can boost your air purification by up to 70% — which is more important than ever with many of us spending a lot of time at home.

You can purchase your own Sensibo Smart Air Kit on their Website and on Amazon

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

One thought on “Make Your Air Conditioner Smart with SensiboAir

  • Sensibo Air sounds like a great controller. I really love you can use the phone with this.

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