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My Happy Pillow Childs Pillow Review #FAMChristmas

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With so many available toys out there, the one that I absolutely adore is the My Happy Pillow. This gives your kids the ability to express the way they are feeling in a fun and delightful way.
My Happy Pillow #FAMChristmasDesigned by a creative 6-year old girl, My Happy Pillow allowed her to get in touch with her own feelings.

We all know that kids are sometimes not able to complete express in words how they are feeling or when something is bothering them. That is why My Happy Pillow is the perfect answer. This pillow is soft, plush and can become their best friend.

My Happy Pillow comes in a nice variety of animal designs for your little one to choose from. My personal favorites are the Leo the Lion and Sunny the Bear.
My Happy Pillow #FAMChristmas My Happy Pillow #FAMChristmasLeo the Lion is a colorful, furry friend that comes with a rich, dark mane. He is adorable and delightful with that wide smile and huge eyes. Whenever your little one might not feel well or be a bit stressed, they can simply turn Leo over and show his sad side.
My Happy Pillow #FAMChristmas My Happy Pillow #FAMChristmasEvery child will fall in love with Sunny the Bear. With his dark, soft texture and piercing blue eyes, he is the most delightful best friend any child will love. Whenever they are feeling blue, they can simply turn Sunny over and let you know in a clear, yet unspoken word how they are feeling.

My Happy Pillow has other great selections of animals including Spotty the Giraffe, Shadow the Panda, Zee the Monkey and Rosie the Dog. They also offer adorable clip-ons that your child can add to their backpack or purse.

Priced at just $19.99 each, add My Happy Pillow under your Christmas tree this year. You will love it and so will your little ones.

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