
NOVICA Launches New Face Mask Project #MegaChristmas20

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As lives and livelihoods have changed this year, we have renewed our belief that a better world begins with simply looking after each other. Many artisans have turned their talents to making cloth masks to support themselves and their families during this global crisis. You will be amazed by NOVICA’S new collection of face masks — masks that give back. 

About NOVICA: was founded in 1999 as an online, fair-trade marketplace based in Los Angeles, with offices in eight regions throughout the world.

We feature more than 30,000 limited edition and one-of-a-kind handmade works of art daily, ranging from artisan-crafted jewelry to handmade apparel to world-style home decor.

So far we have succeeded in helping to change the lives of more than 50,000 people in developing nations, including artisans and their dependents, uniquely helping each artisan earn personal recognition and real-world prices for their work.

NOVICA has launched a new facemask project. To make ends meet during COVID times, many artisans turned to handcrafting unique face masks. Innovative designs crafted in comfortable fabrics display the amazing fortitude and resilience of artisans as we support each other during these challenging times. The fabrics, colors, designs, and inspired messages will let you put your best face (mask) forward as we walk, work, and live through the this pandemic together.  

Be sure to shop for unique and fun gifts for everyone all year long!

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We have added NOVICA to our 2020 Holiday Gift Guide

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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