
Turkey Hair Transplants

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Turkey is a country which has a bustling cosmetic medical industry with thousands of visitors flying into the country every year in search of good medical treatments and surgeries. Despite political upheavals in recent years, many men and women still choose Turkey as the place for hair transplant procedures such as the FUE. This transplant method can also be used for eyebrow transplants and head hair, and the FUE seems to be growing in popularity with more and more men flying into the country from places such as the UK.

There is increasing competition among hair loss clinics for customers and it seems as though every day, a new clinic opens offering low rates for an FUE procedure. However, customers need to beware since not all clinics will have the needed expertise, certification and experience to do a good job. It is a much smarter and safer move to find a clinic that has over ten years of experience in hair transplant surgery and has all the required certifications proving their qualifications and expertise. Visit more information.

Hair transplant surgery, in general, is low risk, but having the procedure done somewhere with less experienced personnel does put your health and results at risk.

Are other hair treatments available in Turkey besides hair transplants?

There is a multitude of options for dealing with balding and thinning hair. Many hair loss centers also offer advice and other treatment options that are not surgical, which may be more appropriate in some situations.  Sometimes these other options can be done instead of or in conjunction with a FUE hair transplant.

Such treatments may include the use of medications such as finasteride or minoxidil or the use of laser light. Laser light can be used to help trigger hair follicle growth and is very useful for stimulating those hairs that are in a dormant state.

Plasma-rich platelet therapy is another oft used therapy which can be used alone or in addition to the FUE hair transplant procedure. The PRP often gives good results with increased density of hair follicles growing back after a FUE.

Which option should you choose?

If you are interested in treatments for hair loss then you should consider getting a consultation with a hair loss expert who can give you the details on the different options that are readily available. Each treatment option has its benefits and drawbacks which you can ask about.

Although the non-surgical methods such as the medications, low laser light therapy, and PRP can help with hair growth they cannot replace hair that is lost. Restoring lost hair really requires some type of surgical intervention and transplant method.

Reputable clinics offer the Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE method and sometimes variations such as the Sapphire FUE or DHI method. The latter two procedures may be more expensive or time-consuming. Ultimately an assessment of your situation can give you an idea of what will best suit your case and what result you can hope to get.

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