Holiday Gift GuideReviews

Unique Game About Incredible Women In History With HerStory #MegaChristmas22

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Give the gift of knowledge this holiday season with HerStory. The creator of this game, Underdog Games saw a void in history books and wanted to correct it. That void was women and how they have contributed to our history. 

In this unique board game, you are a writer, working on a book about incredible women in history. You want to be the first person who writes eight chapters into their book, and if you have the most points, you win.

Underdog Games will donate 1% of sales for HerStory to the Malala Fund to help educate girls all over the world. You can learn more about the partnership here.

About Underdog Games:

We help busy families and friends enjoy quality time together through the joy of board games.

About HerStory: 

From the Educational Advisors to Student Researchers, the making of HerStory was a tremendous undertaking. Learn which historical women are featured in the game and how we chose them.

  • TELL HERSTORY: You’re an acclaimed author, writing a book to tell the stories of remarkable women in history. Discover iconic historical women as you do research, draft chapters, and complete the highest scoring book to win!
  • 120 HISTORIC WOMEN FEATURED: From Joan of Arc to Malala, HerStory includes historical legends and modern favorites
  • ALL PURCHASES INCLUDE DONATION TO THE MALALA FUND: A portion of all proceeds proudly goes to the Malala Fund, which helps educate girls all over the world.
  • SIMPLE RULES, INCREDIBLE GAMEPLAY: Start playing in only 5 minutes.
  • DESIGNED WITH PASSION: 20+ women worked on the creation of this game. Educators, historians, mothers, daughters, and more.
  • INCLUDES LIMITED EDITION BONUS KIT: Limited Edition 2022 copies will include a free bonus kit with even more great materials featuring amazing women!

HerStory game is available for purchase on Amazon,  and at your favorite independent retailers. 

Stay Socially Connected with Underdog Games: 



We have added the HerStory Game to our 2022 Holiday Gift Guide

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