
What Should I Put in a Baby Book?

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One of the best things about keeping a baby memory book is that you will have all of those treasured memories to look back on when your child is older. Additionally, it can be a great keepsake to pass to your adult child. As your baby starts to grow and change, it seems like there is something different about them every day. You can preserve all of these changes and memories with a photo book that also includes mementos.

From the best photo books to baby memory books, there are several options for capturing the special details of your baby’s first years. Think of your baby book as a scrapbook that tells your child’s story with embellishments and photos. Items such as photographs, stickers, and fingerprints can all be included to document important milestones. Everyone’s story is unique, and your baby’s milestone events might be different from others. The most important things to put in your baby book are the things that mean something to you. Let’s take a look at some of the stuff that you might include in your album or photo book.

Pregnancy Memories

From baby announcements to ultrasound pictures, there are several items that you might include at the beginning of the book to document your pregnancy journey. You might even hire a professional photographer to take some pictures of your baby bump and include some of the best photos. If your baby book is more of a photo book, you will probably have plenty of photographic memories that document your nine-month journey to parenthood. Depending on the layout of your album or photo book, you may need to scan ultrasound pictures or request digital copies from your doctor.

First-Year Memories

It can be daunting to gather and edit all of the photos you take of your baby during the first year. It will help if you focus on some of your favorite memories, vacations, or other special events that occurred before your baby turned 1. The summer poses the perfect opportunity to capture fun moments. Your baby’s sunglasses photos by the pool will help you remember that cute pair of shades that your newborn wore throughout their first summer. Additionally, special occasions like holidays and family dinners also become memories that lend themselves to favorite photos and great captions.

Small Mementos

While photo books are easy to create, other books allow you to place small items and mementos into the book. Depending on the layout options, you may have space to put in a small lock of hair from their first haircut or the tag from a favorite blanket. Some baby albums or photo books even allow for small keepsake items, such as a button from a favorite piece of clothing or one of the socks that the baby wore home from the hospital. Whatever items you decide to include in your baby album, be sure that they mean something to you and that they represent a story that you can pass down to your child.

Photos of Special Items

While some books allow space for small mementos, it is impossible to put in that special blanket or favorite teddy bear from Aunt Sue. As a mom, you probably want to hold onto everything over the years. However, these special items might get lost or misplaced. You’ll want to be sure to take photos of your baby with these special items and outfits to include in your photo book. You can write captions under these pictures that remind you of where they came from and the special meaning that they have.

From favorite photos to special items, there are several things that you can include in your baby album. The most important thing to remember is that you tell the story of your baby’s first years. Whether your book is a simple photo album or a more in-depth baby album, there are several options for your book. From those cute pictures in sunglasses to the photo of the first night in the crib, you’ll want to create a book that will be special for you and your child.

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One thought on “What Should I Put in a Baby Book?

  • I wish I would have completed at least one of my kids baby books. It’s so fun for them to be able to look back it’s also fun for them to look back at things like the price of a gallon of milk, gas, bread, etc.

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