
100+ Easy Bread & Pastry Recipes Your Family Will Love

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These Bread & Pastry recipes are easy to make and will fill your home with the wonderful aromas. Fresh, moist, and delicious, they will certainly have everyone’s mouth watering!

100+ Easy Bread & Pastry Recipes Your Family Will Love

100+ Easy Bread & Pastry Recipes 

There is something special about homemade bread and pastries. Maybe it’s because they are homemade or maybe, just maybe, they have a special ingredient called love. Whatever it is, they are oh so yummy! 

These easy bread and pastry recipes will fill your home with wonderful aromas. Each of the recipes are easy to make and come out fresh, moist, and delicious! They will certainly have everyone’s mouth watering!

Before we get to our collection, we wanted to share one of our own very special recipes. Our Resurrection Rolls are not only delicious, but help tell the story of Jesus and how he rose from the dead. Check them out below and then grab a cup of coffee and prepare to be totally absorbed in this delicious listing! I am sure you will find several recipes you will want to try for the family.

It’s Free at Last, Resurrection Rolls

These Resurrection Rolls are perfect for Easter! This yummy recipe is a wonderful, tasty, learning recipe you can teach your kids, your Sunday School class and others of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:4).

Keep reading below for more easy Bread & Pastry Recipes!

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