
3 Useful Kids Bedroom Redecoration Ideas

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Decorating kids’ bedrooms can be a nightmare, especially if you’ve got siblings that are sharing a room.  How do you create a room to please two youngsters with different tastes?  And how do you improve a small or cramped bedroom space so there’s enough room for your kids to play?

Here’s 3 useful ideas to help solve your decorating dilemmas.

  1. Make the most of storage spaces

Thankfully, there’s a lot of innovative storage solutions, perfect for small or cramped children’s bedrooms.  Some of these solutions are going to be more affordable than others.  You might find buying a bed with lots of storage underneath or installing fitted wardrobes costs too much.  If you’re on a tight budget, then you can buy affordable storage solutions that are designed to fit under a standard bed.  Roll-out drawers and boxes on castors, made from plastic or wood are a popular choice. 

  1. Free up floorspace

If you’d like a little space in the room so your children can play together, then you’re going to need to free up some more space.  Under the bed storage will help of course, but what else can you do? What else is taking up space in the bedroom?  Any toys that your kids have outgrown can be sold online or donated to charity.  The same goes for clothing.

If toys are still cluttering the floor you could put up some shelves to free up the space. Or perhaps try fitting hooks to the wall.  This will allow you to hang pretty storage baskets or bags from the hooks.  These are great for filling with toys.  Group items such as soft toys, dolls, or cars together and label each basket or bag to keep things organized.

  1. Decorating for different tastes

Now the tricky bit.  How do you decorate a room to suit different interests?  First, you’ll need to paint the walls in a color that everyone is happy with.  Duvet covers are an easy way to reflect different tastes, but avoid buying matching curtains as this will only please one child! Hang pictures above each child’s bed with their favorite images.  This will personalize each bed space to their liking.  To finish, why not let them each pick their own bedside lamp?  These don’t need to be matching, they should be a reflection of each child’s character.

Redecorating children’s bedrooms is a tricky job, but hopefully this has given you some ideas.

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One thought on “3 Useful Kids Bedroom Redecoration Ideas

  • These are three really great ideas.

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