
bbluv Termo Digital Thermometer Must-Have for Parents with Little Ones

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Having a little one feeling under the weather is never a good thing. It is miserable for them and for you. Having essentials to ensure that you can monitor your baby’s health is important, and affordable thanks to our friends a bbluv. One product I highly recommend having on hand is the bblu Termo 4-in-1 Digital Thermometer. 

The Termo 4-in-1 Digital Thermometer allows precise, instantaneous and non-contact temperature measurement on the body from baby’s forehead, ears and armpit. But that’s not all! It can also measure the temperature on various surfaces such as a bottle of milk, baby’s food, bath water and room temperature. This is the tool you need for your baby’s health and safety!

It is safer and more accurate than a tympanic thermometer, and better tolerated than a rectal thermometer. It features an infrared sensor for surface temperature measurement regardless of ambient room temperature, a temperature zone alert (normal, slight fever, high fever), an audible alarm if the temperature exceeds a normal level (silent also available), and an automatic shutdown after 30-seconds for energy saving. Having two little ones under the age of 3, I am thankful to have Termo in the house. I am ready for whenever the boys temperature may spike and can act quickly. The Termo retails for $49.99.

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