
Celebrate National Holistic Pet Day with Products from Holistic Hound

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With National Holistic Pet Day around the corner, August 30th, I am proud to promote a holistic approach when caring for your pet(s)! Holistic Hound has been dedicated to the health, wellness and astounding healing properties of hemp & CBD for over 15 years.More About Holistic Hound

Holistic Hound, the store, was started by Heidi Hill in 2003 in Berkeley, California and is a combination of her two lifelong passions: animals and holistic healthcare. Her mission was to improve the health and wellness of our animal companions through a holistic approach that focuses on nutrition, complementary therapies, and education.

Holistic Hound is a member of the National Animal Supplement Council (NASC), a highly respected organization that works closely with federal and state regulators to ensure the safety, accuracy and quality of companion animal health supplements.  Members must adopt and comply with their strict quality control system in order to be eligible for their coveted Seal of Quality.

Holistic Hound’s Healing Balm is formulated to alleviate hot spots, itching, irritation, dryness, and pain, using full spectrum hemp oil with 150 mg of CBD, as well as a handful of antioxidant rich oils.

The Healing Balm works to nourish and replenish your dog’s skin, effectively relieving pain, inflammation, and a host of other skin conditions from the outside in, all well staying true to the standards of our certified homeopath and founder of Holistic Hound.

Simply put, Holistic Hound strives to help pets live happy, healthy lives!

Our Thoughts

Bella suffers severely from skin allergies and it really seems to be most prominent in the base or her back near her tail. She will rub and chew herself raw trying to alleviate the irritation. Since starting her on the Holistic Hounds Healing Balm, not only has the chewing and rubbing stopped, but her skin has improved and the irritation marks are all but gone. I know she is thankful mommy got this amazing treatment to help her stay more comfortable and relaxed.

Be sure to connect with Holistic Hound today and see what amazing products you can find for your pet.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

One thought on “Celebrate National Holistic Pet Day with Products from Holistic Hound

  • This healing balm sounds amazing. I can’t wait to get some for my dog.

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