
Crazy Cups Apple Pie a la Mode is DELISH! #CrazyCups

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Coffee is the fuel that keeps most of going but that doesn’t mean it has to be dull and boring! On the contrary! You know I am a fan of Crazy Cups and one of the reasons is the delicious flavors they offer. My current obsession is the Crazy Cups Apple Pie a la Mode! Oh, my! Close your eyes and imagine the delicious meld of flavors from apple pie a la mode and coffee. Need I say more? YUM, I know!

About Crazy Cups

They think the world should be a more flavorful place, which is why they created Crazy Cups.They’re chock full of the flavored coffees you’ve come to love, and wild new additions like Peppermint Chocolate Mocha, Pumpkin Vanilla Crème and Italian Chocolate Cheesecake. Flavored coffee not your thing? It’s all good. We’ve got you covered. You can start your day with a roar with Sumatran Tiger or get rid of the pesky caffeine with Decaf Delight.

Crazy Cups Cool, Peel, Recycle

Crazy Cups Coffee Pods are Eco-Friendly!

I know you have heard about the pods filling up our landfills, right? Well, with Crazy Pods you don’t have to worry! Crazy Cup pods are RECYCLABLE!!! You can enjoy deliciously flavored coffee guilt free! No worries about filling up landfills at all! Simply recycle the pods!

Recycling is easy! Simply –

  • Cool – Capsule is hot once brewed, allow a minimum of two minutes to cool.
  • Peel – Carefully peel back the tab to separate top lids and remaining filter.
  • Recycle – Discard capsules, lid and boxes wherever these recyclables are accepted.

Crazy Cups offers you a chance to enjoy great tasting coffee and help the earth at the same time! Whether you like plain coffee or flavored, they are sure to have the perfect coffee for you!

Where can you find Crazy Cups Coffee?

If you would love to try the delicious Crazy Cups Apple Pie a la Mode or other flavors of Crazy Cups, visit them online to see all the mouth-watering flavors and options! Be sure and stop back by next month to see what flavor we have to highlight!

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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