
Five Vegan Friendly Travel Destinations

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Traveling isn’t always easy, but if you are vegan it can be much more difficult to find adequate meals. Of course you will want to try the food of the local culture, but you don’t want to bend your values either. You want to eat well, but much of the world doesn’t necessarily cater to vegans. However, things are changing and becoming more modern. When you are going to take a trip but don’t know where to go, here are more destinations that are easier for vegans to navigate than you might think.


One of the easiest places to eat vegan and enjoy yourself is India. There are a lot of vegan options in this diverse country. Across the country of over a billion people, they don’t eat much meat and less dairy than western diets. Vegans eat well in India. You will still be able to enjoy the curries and other local delicacies. India is an incredible destination for no shortage of reasons. The food is world-famous. Not only will you be able to eat vegan, you’ll have the chance to eat local. It will be spicy, vibrant, and delicious. There are outright vegan restaurants in India, too. If you’re in Bengaluru, try the rooftop Paradigm Shift or the restaurant claiming to be India’s first vegan restaurant: Carrots.


Thailand is a primarily Buddhist country, which makes vegan and vegetarian food widely available. It is a great place to go not just because you can find delicious things to eat, Thailand is an amazing destination for many reasons. You can spend time with animals. You can indulge in city life. Immerse yourself in local culture and Buddhist traditions. It doesn’t matter what you’re interested in, there is something for you in Thailand. Eating vegan is easy, but make sure you remember that they put fish oil and sauce into a lot of their food. Try some coconut vegetable curries and eat as much sticky rice as possible. If you’re in a larger city like Bangkok, try one of many vegan restaurants like Barefood Bangkok, Nourish Cafe, or Veganerie.

Metropolitan Cities in the United States

If you want to take a trip but don’t want to go abroad, there are plenty of cities in the United States where you can dig into some amazing vegan food. Start with Los Angeles and New York. There is no shortage of vegan options in these cities. Other coastal cities as far south as San Diego, obviously LA, and up to the likes of San Francisco and Seattle have some of the best vegan food in the country and cater to all kinds of diets.

Even in the south you will be able to find delicious vegan food. Downtown Richmond, Virginia, is home to a vegan soul food restaurant called NuVegan Cafe, with comfort favorites like collard greens and mac & cheese. A vegan food truck in Huntsville, Alabama, does a mean blackened smoky tofu over greens. And Atlanta, Georgia, is known for two things—food and barbershops. You will be able to find diverse fun vegan options from restaurants like Healthful Essence Carribean, Soul Vegetarian, and Slutty Vegan ATL. Tofu lemon pepper bites before getting a new haircut in Atlanta, sign us up!


Who would have thought that Israel has more vegan eaters per capita than anywhere else in the world? Well, it turns out they do. Nowhere is better to eat than the hippest city in the country, Tel Aviv. Not only will you be away from the chaos and danger of Jerusalem, but you will be able to connect with the heart of Israel while eating some jaw-dropping vegan food. Israel is known for its produce. You won’t be disappointed with the vegetables, the fruit, and all the amazing vegan restaurants, such as Cafe Anastasia or Zakaim in Tel Aviv.


Like New York or Los Angeles, London is a modern, vibrant city that has no shortage of vegan options. It’s great for vegans who want to go out of the country but don’t want to have to worry about what they eat and how to order it. Visiting London is easy for Americans in general and vegans have a wide variety of options for their meals. Drink a few pints at the pub and head over to one of the city’s many vegan establishments or eat vegan at a British favorite, Indian food. While British food doesn’t have the best reputation, London transcends this completely. It is a world all its own. You won’t be disappointed by the food in this beautiful city. You can find vegan fish ‘n’ chips at Norman’s Coach and Horses, raw vegan food at Wild Food Cafe, and many more.

It is getting easier to travel as a vegan. Not every country in the world will cater to this sensibility, but more and more are making it easier for people to eat vegan. In addition to the countries that have a religious tradition of vegetarianism, modern cities around the world are home to more and more vegan eateries. Depending on where you want to go, all you have to do is a little research and you will be able to travel and eat well in many different places. Don’t let your diet stop you from going on an adventure!

Ryan Beitler is a writer, journalist, and traveler who has written for many travel sites.

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One thought on “Five Vegan Friendly Travel Destinations

  • I live in Atlanta and have to recommend the Sunflower Café for vegan options! You will not be disappointed.

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