
How Many Cats Can Use An Automatic Litter Box?

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Every cat owner can tell you that caring for a cat can be a wonderful experience. Think of the fun, the cuddles, and the way those oh so soft purrs melt away the stress of your workday. However, having a cat also means the inevitable’ll be taking the time to clean their litter.One of the questions you may face (As I certainly did) while hunting for an automatic litter box is “just how many cats can actually use this thing?”

Believe me, I can understand the pressure to find rock-solid info while you’re weighing out your options. These things are costly!

You know as well as I do that if you have more than one cat you’ve got double the work ahead. So where do we go from there if we’re looking for the perfect self-cleaning litter box? How can you be sure that you’ll be getting one that can work for a multi-cat family?

Let’s find out in our definitive guide below!

First Off, How Does An Automatic Litter Box Work?

Almost all self-cleaning litter boxes have built-in sensors that automatically detect when your cat has done its business and when they’ve exited.

Shortly after they’ve left, the cleaning process begins! The machine sifts through the soiled litter to separate the clean from the..not so clean. It carefully collects the clumps and deposits them into a separate container, trapping any odors along with it.

There’s certainly a lot of flashy features between different units on the market. Yet between all of these different options one thing’s for sure, an automatic litter box takes the majority of the work right out of the equation.

So, How Many Automatic Litter Boxes Do I Need? Can My Cat’s Both Occupy Just One?

Before we can properly break this one down, let’s talk about the reasons why you might need more than one litter box to begin with.

As a general rule of thumb, most vets suggest that a single litter box should be occupied by no more than one cat. Sounds pretty reasonable, but why?

Well in part, a litter box is often an area of dominance and a go-to place to mark territory. Some cats prefer keeping their porcelain palace all to themselves and to force a shared situation may result in some not so nice behaviors.

Cleanliness can also be a major factor. To put it short, most cats aren’t too keen on sharing a bathroom space that looks like it was used by…. someone else. Particularly if there’s quite a messy situation left behind.

Despite all our best efforts to keep a clean and sanitary space for our cats, sometimes the mess can get the best of us. I get it! But if one of your cats finds its litter box looking less than sparkling they’re likely to act out or even have an accident as a result.

In any case, the most obvious choice would be to tack on an additional litter box, right? But do automatic units offer an even better solution?

Let’s Find Out How Automatic Litter Boxes Stack Up

Alright back to the topic at hand: “how many cats can use an automatic litter box?”

An automatic litter box offers a unique and sanitary solution to hosting two cats in one bathroom space. Self-cleaning!

The self-cleaning function of any given unit ensures that the next cat to arrive is presented with a completely clean environment to do their business. Making certain “their territory” is a much more sanitary and shareable space if you’ve got a few felines running around.

The other two factors to consider would be territory and scent. Cat’s can recognize when their territory has been invaded. When unfamiliar scents occupy their bathroom space it’s not too far out to expect a little retaliation. So what can we do as cat owners?

With a self-cleaning litter box, we can help to cut down on residual scents left behind from housemates.

So in general, if one litter box feels like the right fit for your multi-cat home your main solution is tied to cleanliness. To help maximize how clean that litter box stays it may be time to invest in one that can do the work for you!Our Pick? The ChillX AutoEgg

The best automatic litter box when it comes to multi-cat families has got to be the AutoEgg by ChillX. Let’s breakdown why:


Compared to other units on the market, the AutoEgg is a versatile machine with the capacity to accommodate a cat as small as 4.4 lbs and as large as 15.4 lbs.

But what sets this unit apart is the removable hood! Leaving an open-top is a unique feature that can help our bigger cats feel a little more comfortable using their new space (especially if you’ve got two).

Extra Clean

In addition to performing the regular cleaning cycle after every use, the AutoEgg conducts an additional cleaning four times a day.

Remember when we talked about shared usage being related to cleanliness?

For any mess that may have been left behind the AutoEgg seems more than capable of getting the job done and making sure your litter stays clean and ready for cohabitation.

Dual Health Tracking!

One of the most interesting features that we liked about the ChillX AutoEgg was the health tracking system.

Unlike some of the other brands we’ve assessed, such as the CatGenie or the Scoop Free, the AutoEgg displays a health log which can record your cat’s bathroom metrics after every trip (How’s that for high tech!).

The system includes a record of the date, the time, the duration of usage, the weight of your cat, and the weight of their poop!

But here’s the ticket, it can be used to track the data for up to two cats!

The system properly discerns between weight variance and will categorize the data connected to each of your cat’s stats. If the machine suspects any abnormality in one of your cat’s bathroom activities it will automatically flag it in red.

Keeping you in touch with your feline’s health and whether or not they may need a check-up can be critical.

No Safety Concerns

Safety and security is always a concern of pet owners. As caring and responsible cat owners, we all take every precautionary measure to ensure our feline friends remain healthy and out of harm’s way.

So as you’re weighing out your options for an automatic litter box, the question of safety comes to mind.

“I don’t know how I feel about my cats using a machine to do their business, or if it’s even safe enough to accommodate both of them?”

In general, an automatic litter box is more than safe. The majority of units we looked at are equipped with special sensors to detect movement and sudden weight changes.

If there’s any shift detected most units are programmed to pause the cleaning process. Unfortunately, our research ended up catching a few incidents connected with rotating devices where cats have been trapped inside during a cycle.

This is where the ChillX AutoEgg shines yet again. With their built-in cat stuck prevention system that can detect sudden movements with a 0.03 oz accuracy, we’re feeling pretty confident that our number one choice is also the safest choice.

Saving You Money

Anyone with multiple cats can tell you, it ain’t cheap!

So where does an automatic litter box fit into the equation in terms of savings for a multi-cat owner? Litter right? It’s gotta be litter!

Yes! But also no?

Most automatic litter boxes are fairly efficient in preserving the amount of litter that’s kept vs what’s wasted during the cleaning process. But what separates our choice, the AutoEgg, apart from the rest is actually the energy efficiency!

The AutoEgg was designed with a highly efficient motor that only uses a mere 1 kWh of energy per 500 cleaning cycles. Giving you some long term peace of mind that putting in the hard work of scooping (even for more than one cat) will save you time and money in the long run.

Final Thoughts?

Truth be told, any automatic litter box can be the right choice for your feline family. What works best for one cat may not be suitable for another, and that’s okay! Options can be a good thing!

In our view, the AutoEgg offers the most comprehensive set of features stacked up against its big time competitors. Making it the ideal choice for anyone looking for a unit ready to scoop for a multi-cat family!


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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

One thought on “How Many Cats Can Use An Automatic Litter Box?

  • I wondered about this. I have 3 cats so not a good idea I guess.

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