
How to Effectively Change Your Perspective to Change Your Life

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Don’t you just love the way the world looks from 10,000-feet up in an airplane? You could easily pretend you’re a giant looking down on the world. Or that you’re normal-sized and the world is a tiny model. But when you’re standing in front of a tall building, you feel tiny yourself. It’s all about perspective.

You can look at the same building from an airplane, and it’ll look completely different.

Your perspective on life is similar yet it in a different way. For example, if you look at a problem as overwhelming, it will likely be so. But if you look at that same problem as something manageable, you might have an easier time finding a solution. Same problem. Different perspectives.

A simple perspective shift can change your entire life. But just because it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s easy.

Here are some tips for effectively changing your perspective to change your life.

Daily morning affirmations

Words are extremely powerful, and although we tend to focus on other people’s words, what we say to ourselves is even more important. And if you’re like most, you have a negative soundtrack playing on repeat. The good news is that you can change all that negative self-talk, but it will take some effort. Start with daily morning affirmations. One popular way to do this is to write your affirmation on a post-it and stick it on the bathroom mirror.

Affirmations are positive and/or encouraging phrases that give you confidence and lift your spirits.

Speak your affirmation(s) out loud to give them more power.


If you’re having negative thoughts, journaling can help. Write down all your thoughts and feelings on a subject, and then shred the paper. Say goodbye to the thing that has been hurting you or weighing you down.

On the flipside, journaling can also help encourage positive thoughts. Consider keeping a gratitude journal for everything you’re thankful for. Writing these things down offers a way to stop and acknowledge all the amazing parts of your life. Too often, we focus on the negative and forget how great other areas may be.

Change your habits

If you currently have a negative outlook, there’s a good chance you’ve also got some bad habits. Maybe you watch too much television, eat lots of junk or drink too much alcohol. When you’re feeling bad, these things seem to come naturally. We use them to fill a void, but it never truly works.

So, if you really want to change your perspective, change your habits.

Cut out television, junk food, alcohol and any other bad habit you may have. If you find that it’s difficult to cut out alcohol, you may have a bit of a problem. You should know that you don’t have to be an alcoholic to have a drinking problem (alcoholism is defined by complete physical dependence).

Look for a rehab directory, so you find someone to help you get to the root of your problem. Then, you can start living a more positive life.

Life is truly all about perspective. Whether your life is good or bad will depend largely on how you see the world. What’s your perspective?

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