
Justrav {Review}

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Justrav {Review}

Justrav {Review}

I love to travel, both as a family and just with my husband. In either case, when we go to a new place, we start looking for places that the locals enjoy. There’s nothing wrong with chain restaurants or stores, but I have those at home. The question is…how do I find out where the local favorites are? That’s where Justrav comes in handy. is a unique social community that connects Travellers and Locals through a common premise which is our platform, managed by Travlo Ltd. – simplifying the arduous travel planning process in order to create trouble-free, memorable journeys. For a small fee, Travellers can now experience new cities with confidence, enjoying tailor-made itineraries in any destination they visit. By connecting with Locals, who will share insider’s perspectives and access to the best that their city has to offer, Travellers will experience travel like never before – the Justrav way!

This is a new type of travel website. Instead of online reviews, this is like a bulletin board where locals (in the destinations you’re going to) sign up to be local guides for you, whether you’re looking for places to eat, shop, or take in the local culture.

There are several options of communications to choose from, both online only and in person, and the fees (if any) are stated up front, depending on the local you choose and their fee schedule.

The locals have to complete a pretty in depth profile, as well has have their ID verified by Justrav. And you can always just communicate online if you feel more comfortable. I’d suggest having them meet you at the shop or restaurant, and enjoy making a new friend even!

It’s free to sign up and explore both destinations as well as locals. You send them ideas and what you’re looking for, and they respond with suggestions and even itineraries which you can approve ahead of time. You don’t submit payment until you’re satisfied with the plan!

I found a number of places in Delhi, India, for example that I’d like to visit. I think having a local show me around, that’s passionate about the same things I am, would make the trip much more interesting. Personally, I was looking for fashion/shopping, culture and places to eat. I found a number of local guides who seem eager to show a traveler their city!

So go sign up on and take a look around. It’s free to sign up, both as a traveler and a local. They are hoping to expand into even more destinations around the world.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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