
Science Fun! That’s What’s New in Week 2 of #CampWarnerBros

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Last week, I shared with you that for 8 weeks Warner Bros. is inspiring fun and creative camp-like activity safely at home with the kids. We kicked things off last week with “Super Hero Week” and it was a smashing success. 

This week takes a different turn as we explore the fun world of Science! Let’s talk about a fun activity you can do it home that is stimulating and educational. Have yourself an fun viewing party with activities and enjoy Steven Universe: The Movie, available from Warner Bros.

About Steven Universe: The Movie:

After so many harrowing adventures, Steven and the Gems are ready to celebrate how far they’ve come with a movie musical! Little do they know they’re about to face their worst enemy yet.

Save the Earth and bring peace to your galaxy with Steven Universe’s “Crystal Gem” Candy recipe here:The Science Behind The Fun:

As time passes (and the solution cools), the water will slowly evaporate from the solution. As the water evaporates, the solution will become more saturated with sugar. The sugar molecules will collect on the string, and the candy crystals will grow molecule by molecule!

Extra Science Fun:

Try making two jars of candy. In the first jar – seed your “Crystal Gem” Candy by rolling your string in water and sugar. In the second jar do not seed your string with sugar before growing. Determine if using seed sugar crystals changes the growth rate of your “Crystal Gem” Candy!

Steven Universe: The Movie is now available to own on Digital, Blu-ray & DVD! You can purchase it on Amazon. 

Be sure to come back each week for the next 7 weeks and see what exciting adventures, movies and projects we have as part of our #CampWarnerBros extravaganza!

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

One thought on “Science Fun! That’s What’s New in Week 2 of #CampWarnerBros

  • We like to have these science experiments to keep us busy and learning throughout the summer. I know this one will be a fun one.

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