
Shifting The Scenery – How To Speed Up The Moving Process

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Without organisation and planning, moving day can be full of hassles and snags that often result in the event becoming an all-day affair instead of lasting just a few hours. The process of moving house can take time trying to coordinate all of the different elements at play. If you have children or pets, you need to make sure they are safely out of the way of the movers, while communicating with the moving company, trying to meet your current landlord and a host of other things that come with moving home. However, if you plan well and manage your time properly, you can easily make moving day more efficient.  

In addition to hiring a removalist in Sydney, those moving soon should plan as early as a month ahead of time by purchasing supplies and planning for the day of the move. Purchasing packing supplies, in addition to boxes, are all a part of the preparation. Homeowners can speed up the process by prioritising tasks and streamlining what needs to be done.

Let’s take a look at a few simple ways that you can streamline the moving process to make it as efficient as possible.

Set Up An Itinerary

One of the best ways to cut through a lot of the issues that tend to waste time while moving is by setting up a to-do list with a date of completion assigned to each task. The easiest way to create this list is to write down each of the different tasks which need to be completed and organise the tasks on this list based on their importance. By having a visual picture of what needs accomplishing, you’re less likely to forget important details.  

Set Up A Base Of Operations

In an effort to stay organised, designate one room to be the place where all of the packing takes place. This room should contain all of your packing material and should have plenty of space for boxing your stuff up. While it might be tempting to use a room that is comfortable, this space should have as little traffic as possible for organisational purposes. With this in mind, you should choose a room that is large enough to pack in but rarely used if possible.


To get an idea of what should go with the family to the new address, take inventory of all of your belongings. The longer we live in one location the more stuff we accumulate. To prevent carrying more stuff to the new house than you need, homeowners should consider discarding unneeded or unused items by either holding a garage sale or simply donating them. In the first case, homeowners benefit from making some extra money that can go towards the cost of the move. Ultimately, downsizing your household gives you the chance to see exactly how many items will actually need to be moved.


Another fantastic timesaver is to pack items that are not used on a daily basis in the month before moving. Again, this will require doing an inventory of all of the dishes, pots, clothing, and other housewares to see exactly which items are no longer a part of your daily routine a go unused. Spend some time going through each room until everything that is not used on a daily basis is packed up.

With your pre-pack complete, you just have to finish packing everything else right before you move. In fact, pre-packing non-essential items will save you more time the closer you get to the 

day of your move and it can help you organise your things so that when you do unpack, it is easy to get to the things you use most often.

Getting Out Of Town Fast

Moving day is just as important as everything leading up to the move. One way to hasten a move is to plan a route that won’t result in you getting stuck in traffic. Also, planning for bad weather is always a good idea as you may encounter delays as a result of heavy rain or storms in the area. Finally, give yourself a few hours leeway in returning the rental and any house or apartment keys to allow more than enough time, so that moving day is as straightforward as possible.

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