
Toe Juice/Hog Wash Giveaway

This post may contain affiliate links or I may have received the product free in exchange for my honest review. See full disclosure for more information.

I don’t know about you, but my skin always takes a beating in the winter. My hands get dry and cracked no matter how much lotion I use. My feet get dry and funky, sometimes my elbows even get a little dry. Dealing with dry, cracked and sometimes painful skin can involve a lot of trial and error. How is a girl to know what product to use? There are so many products available that claim to rejuvenate your skin, but what actually works?

Toe Juice works, and it works well! It is enhanced with dermavine to help promote healthy, touchable skin. It is gentle enough for the entire family to use, and it helps take care of many skin irritations including athletes foot, bug bites and dry skin to name a few.

Mary of Country Life 4 Me had the pleasure of trying out Toe Juice and Hog Wash, a hand sanitizer. Find out what she thought of both items by reading her review here .

To learn more about this great product Connect with Toe Juice.

We have a giveaway with your skin in mind! One lucky reader is going to win a Toe Juice/Hog Wash Combo Pack. This giveaway begins on 11/2 and ends on 11/9.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway was brought to you by the Sublime Media Connection. The participating bloggers cannot be held responsible for the delivery of this item, as that is the responsibility of the sponsor. If you have any questions regarding the delivery of the prize please email [email protected].

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

2 thoughts on “Toe Juice/Hog Wash Giveaway

  • review sounds great pick me because I would love to win something!

  • Never even heard of the product until I read your blog. Thanks for sharing!

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