
Why Are People Moving to Tech Cities?

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Moving to a tech city has become an incredibly popular thing to do for everyone Gen X and younger, but why?  What’s the alluring call that’s making everyone seek these tech cities out, and is it something that could be useful to anyone?

These are the top reasons people are heading to tech cities and why it might benefit you if you did too!

Rising Property Values

When a tech city is in its early stages, it’s important to buy property as soon as possible.  Not only will this save you money, so you have somewhere to live instead of renting: it also ensures that when the city booms and everything becomes more expensive, your property will gain a massive amount of value. 

For those who want to capitalize on the real estate market, a burgeoning tech city is a perfect mix of available land, eager buyers, and a short turnaround, with the average new tech city proving or failing within the first ten years.  This means that apartments in Austin, TX, will be more expensive with Tesla there, but it also allows those who already owned land there to be ready for a huge boost in value.

Increased Amenities

When a city has more money from taxes, it can back that money into the community through increased amenities.  This may be small things like clear bike lanes and more green spaces, big things like public parks, free city-wide wifi, or thousands of other things that can increase the quality of living while in a city.  Many people move specifically for these, although they don’t actively work within the tech industry.

Larger Job Market

There are countless jobs in the average tech industry job market.  This leaves plenty of openings and chances for workers to find their dream job and ensure they get paid a fair amount for it.  This also means that if someone has had difficulty securing and keeping a career in the past, they may have better luck where the options are in their favor.  A job market like this ensures workers can get multiple bids from different companies and accept the offer that aligns with their needs.

Better Schools for Families

Where there are tech cities, there will be schools that want to help educate people to join these industries.  If you’re starting a family, or you already have children, moving to a tech town can ensure that your kids have a possible career and education path ahead of them if they choose to take it.  If they don’t, you’ll still be in a city where they can find any job they’d want.

Livelier Entertainment

Where the tech industry goes, entertainment follows.  People working in the tech industry make more money, so the cities where this industry thrives become entertainment capitals.  Not only can you find countless things to do and see, but there are multiple ways to have fun and cut loose.  This means live concerts, more art galleries, and fantastic pop-up shops and performances you wouldn’t get elsewhere.  Tech and entertainment go hand in hand.

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