
5 Everyday Technologies That Have Improved Their Industries

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Technologies don’t just have to be big and flashy to become industry changers. Everyday technologies, the pieces of equipment that are used by the masses each and every day, can cause an overhaul in their field, too.

The world is full of different industries and, in each of these industries, there is an everyday technology that has revolutionized them. To find five of these pieces of tech that have improved the field that they fall into, make sure to read on. 

  1. Get-fit tech

Modern technology often gets a bad reputation when spoken about in regards to fitness. Many believe that it has contributed towards humans now living a sedentary lifestyle, and many see it as being the main cause in the rise of obesity levels. This, however, is all dependant on what types of technologies are handled as well as the ways in which they are used. There are just as many pieces of tech out there designed to encourage activity as there are designed to encourage inactivity.

In fact, the tech that encourages humans to get out and get fit, known as get-fit tech, has revolutionized the field of fitness in many ways. Such technologies, like Fitbit, pedometers, apps that step-track, and even games such as Pokémon Go, force those that use them to get out and get active. How have they improved their industry, exactly? Through the way they are giving people the impetus to boost their fitness, that’s how. They are giving people a goal to work towards when it comes to working out, and this has improved the workout experience for many.

  1. EFT systems

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) systems, i.e., the tech that allows you to transfer money from one bank account to another with just a few clicks, has completely turned the field of payment on its head.

Way back in 1972, The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco made the first ever paperless financial transfer when they sent money over to their branch in Los Angeles. By the end of that particular decade, these types of instantaneous bank transfers were rife in America, and millions of dollars had been transferred from coast to coast. This theme has well and truly continued, and it has resulted in the EFT systems that are used so frequently today.

It is the appeal of these systems that has led them to change the way humans pay their bills and send money across to each other. Money can be grabbed from thin air (from online bank accounts and ATM machines) and then sent anywhere in the world. Hand-to-hand payments, quite simply and quite literally, can’t keep up.

  1. Mobile phones

Mobile phones are just about as ‘every day’ a technology as there is. That’s what happened when most of the world’s population owns and uses one every single day!

It’s not hard to see why they’re used so frequently and fervently, and it’s not hard to see why mobile phones have improved the field of communication immeasurably, either. They allow people the chance to contact each other wherever they both are in the world. What’s more, the most modern of phones allow users the chance to communicate with their friends face-to-face via video technology, even when they’re in two completely different continents.

Mobile phones sure have come a long way since the first idea for a cellular phone service was considered way back in 1947.

  1. Vaping technology

If you ever thought that cigarettes would never be toppled as the giants of the smoking industry, then you thought wrong. Vaping technology has come in and revolutionized this field, mainly thanks to the way it offers smokers a satisfying smoking experience, the delivery of nicotine that they need, and the throat hits they crave without allowing them to fall foul of the toxins that traditional smoking vessels carry.

As detailed in the history of vape juice found at, vaping devices, otherwise known as e-cigarettes, were initially designed by Chinese pharmacist and inventor Honk Lik in 2001 to give smokers the things that they crave without forcing them to come into contact with tar and the other toxins that contribute to the growing of cancers. Since then, vaping technology has really come into its own. First, the vaporizing process was mastered, then VG was added (the thing that makes those cool clouds), and now millions of people are vaping instead of smoking. It’s fair to say, despite there still being a massive call for cigarettes and tobacco, the smoking industry will never be the same again.

  1. Personal computers

The computer industry has always been at the forefront of its age. It’s also an industry that has, since its inception, consistently continued to better itself and grow with the times. The biggest change brought about in this field, however, was when personal computers (PCs) were created.

In the years leading up to 1983, ‘minicomputers,’ as they were known then, still matched the washing machine in size and still needed to be placed in an air-conditioned room. After ’83, once IBM had recast this gadget that was cool but nothing-special and turned it into a tool that could be used as a work device in everyday offices, the PC really took off. Now, half of the world’s population wouldn’t be able to live without theirs. Half the world wouldn’t be able to look busy when they’re out and about without their PC, either, so it can’t be denied that this type of tech has well and truly been a game changer.

From EFT systems to PCs, the technology used and taken for granted in this day and age really does deserve more kudos for the changes they have brought about in their industries. So the next time you pick up your mobile phone, try to remember how different communication would be without it, and if you vape, remember to thank Honk Lik for the change he has brought upon your smoking habits.

Most importantly of all, just don’t forget to appreciate the importance of every piece of everyday technology that you use daily.

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