
Five Creative Ways to Bond with Your Kid

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A lot of parents will tell you that time flies by fast when you are taking care of your children. It only takes a couple of years for infants to become toddlers and then several more before they can stand, talk, and make decisions on their own. Bringing them into the world is both a privilege and a gift, so before they become too independent and move out for college, it is essential to bond with them.Your connection to your children will determine the kind of person they will grow up to be. Children who are loved and cared for become upstanding citizens and have bigger chances of success later in life. If you’re looking for ways to nurture your relationship with your children, here are some ideas.

Play Board Games

Your kids might think that this may be just another game, but for you, it can be so much more than that. While board games can help children develop good decision-making skills and how to take losses, it is a great way to bond together as parent and children. If you’ve been using technology too much, or if your kids have their own devices, playing board games is an opportunity to “log off” from the digital world to enjoy the present.

Bond Over Cute Stuff

When it comes to cute stuff, Japan almost has everything. In fact, the country is known for its kawaii culture, which is pervasive all over the world. There’s nothing better than getting cute stuff in the mail, so consider getting a kawaii subscription box directly from Japan. You can get some of the most kawaii plushies, towels, and trinkets from popular Japanese brands that you and your kids will surely love!

Start a Book Club

Reading is a good habit, and it is important to instill it in children as early as you can. You can start a book club to integrate the habit. Reading them stories every night can help foster their love for books. Once they are older, your little book club can be turned into avenue for them to present their thoughts and opinions about what they read while they develop their speaking and writing skills at the same time.

Volunteer Locally

Helping others teaches empathy, and this is a valued quality that everyone should have. Volunteering at the local shelter, orphanage, or soup kitchen can be a transformative bonding experience for you and your children. It helps them become more appreciative of the things they have and instills the habit of doing good deeds not because it makes them feel good but because it is a human necessity.

Encourage Adventure

 Childhood is the time kids learn new things and discover their own passions. Let them indulge in sports and different adventures. Not only will this give them more room to explore, it’s also a way to let them know you support them in every endeavor they may take. You never know, you might be raising a track and field athlete or a future tennis superstar.

Make Memories

Your child’s younger years will zoom by, and while it is great to live in the moment, it’s better to capture some memories so you can fondly look back and remember them. Take photos when you can, or save your kids’ letters and artworks neatly in custom board books because they’re sturdier. If you like organization, this is the way to go. You can file the books neatly on a shelf, and you won’t have to worry about them getting too worn and damaged over time.

Snuggle as Much as You Can

There will come a time where your toddlers will become teens who will eventually become adults and move out. Savor the precious few years you have with your kids by snuggling with them as much as you can. A slumber party or two every few weeks doesn’t hurt. You can watch movies, read books, or however you prefer to spend time together.

Do you have parent tips on how to bond better with your children? Share your thoughts down below.


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