
Summer Vacation Destinations to consider in 2018

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Summers are finally here, the most awaited time of the year when you can actually take a break from your hectic everyday routines to enjoy some peaceful days with your loved ones. According to a recent survey conducted by Oliver’s travel; a well-reputed travel consultancy, one out of every two Britons is opting for spending their vacations abroad this year which includes; 60% Londoners and 59% Scots. 

Similarly, more men i.e. 51% are willing to go abroad as compared to women (49%) and a general preference of beach holidays can be seen among women (38%) chose beach holidays whereas only (32%) of men seemed to have interest in beaches. According to the survey, the top most popular holiday destinations are; Spain (26%), US (9%), Italy (8%) and as expected 19% British people preferred travelling to different parts of U.K.

For your convenience, we have gathered some info about top vacation spots in Spain and U.S i.e. California.

Places worth visiting in Spain:

We all know that Spain is an exotic country with rich history and colourful culture. Whole Spain is worth exploring but here are some of the places you should consider visiting;


Tenerife is indeed a perfect place to get the best of Spanish culture, that too in a tropical destination. It is the largest in the Canary Islands and is full of avant grande landscapes. You can do anything here from hiking in the mountains to relaxing on white sand beaches and exploring native fishing villages or scenic places like Hell’s Ravine. Apart from this, Tenerife is also a popular nightlife spot.


The largest city in Costa Del Sol, Malaga is the favourite travelling destinations for those who want to enjoy soaking up in the sun. It has 11th-century Moorish castle Alcazaba and the remains of Roman theatre and is also the home of the famous artist Pablo Picasso. The most popular beach is La Malagueta where you can relax by taking a swim in the waters or can just enjoy tanning at the beach.


Home of the most exquisite beaches in Spain, Asturias is a cliff-edged town along the emerald green coastline. It is famous for its beautiful beaches, coasts, mountains and famous religious sites. It is the best place to explore undiscovered Spain; it is indeed a natural paradise.

Costa Brava:

If you like seclusion then this part of Spain is the right one for you.  It is nearly an hour drive to the north from Barcelona near the French border. This place is filled with the clearest water you can find in the Mediterranean Sea.  It has many small secluded bays where you can spend some romantic time with your better halves.

Top travel destinations in California:

As per the survey, 16% of British participants preferred California region in the U.S so, here are some top vacation getaways in the state of California. California is a state where you can find almost everything from hot springs to beaches, from mountains to deserts and romantic islands as well. The places that we recommend to visit in California include;

San Diego:

The perfect place to visit for art and culture lovers and it also has wonderful beaches with world-class water sports facilities. You can enjoy a lot at the Disney Land Park, Lego Land, San Diego Safari park and Sea World San Diego.

Santa Catalina Island:

Santa Catalina is a great place to visit if you want to experience undersea expeditions. Other than this you can enjoy snorkelling, standup paddleboarding, boating, kayaking, swimming and on land activities like sunbathing, horse riding and camping.  It is located just southwest of Los Angeles. It is an extremely pleasant spot to spend some quality time with your family.

Los Angeles:

L.A the home of Hollywood you wouldn’t miss visiting once you are in California. You can spend some quality time in LA by visiting the famous places like; the Hollywood Bowl, Malibu beach, County Museum of art and can even go hiking in Santa Monica Mountains. If you are a foodie then we recommend you to take the LA Melting Pot Food tour.

Death Valley National park:

This park is very unique because it is below sea level and due to this it is the hottest, driest and lowest lying National park in the U.S. This park is surrounded by snow-capped mountains.  Here you enjoy a ranger-guided tour of the area and see the amazing flora and fauna.

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4 thoughts on “Summer Vacation Destinations to consider in 2018

  • Pingback: Top 5 Ways To Make Your Next Beach Vacation Exciting & Memorable - It's Free At Last

  • Really nice list. I have always wanted to visit Spain!

  • These places in Spain sound fabulous. I never considered Spain for a vacation before, now I must check out these places!

  • These sound like great places to put on my bucket list. I have not heard of a few of these places. Thank you so much for sharing this great article

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