
Thermacell Patio Mosquito Shield Offers Complete Mosquito Protection

This post may contain affiliate links or I may have received the product free in exchange for my honest review. See full disclosure for more information.

The heat is intense outside and shows no signs of stopping anytime soon here in Ohio. We got a small kiss of fall-type weather for a few short days, but the upcoming forecast has at least 10 days of intense heat.

While I don’t mind the heat, I do love sitting on the back deck at night, watching the sun set and enjoying a cold glass of tea with my family. With that comes the potential exposure of those little blooksuckers that like to hover around and leave irritable, itchy bite marks on our skin. Well that is a worry of the past thanks to my new Thermacell Patio Shield Repeller. No spray, no harsh chemicals to breath, just the silent whir of the unit as we sit, sip our tea and enjoy the wonderful sounds of nature.

What makes it different? It uses a butane cartridge. Each refill lasts up to 12 hours, so this is even more perfect for weekend barbecues and parties. It comes an array of vibrant colors that you can choose from for your outdoor decor including lime green, vibrant red, black and turquoise.

It has a large protection zone of 15′ x 15′. No open flames, no odor, no chemicals – this combination makes the perfect win-win for me and my family to enjoy hours of outdoor delight, regardless of the temperature.

Thermacell is the leader in pest control and this unit has truly lived up to its expectations. Pick up one or several units today for your home, camper and more. Stay connected with Thermacell for their latest sales and product information.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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