
Welch’s Fruit Snacks Make Perfect Stocking Stuffers

This post may contain affiliate links or I may have received the product free in exchange for my honest review. See full disclosure for more information.

Each year, I try to deter from the sweets in the stocking and give my family something they love and I love giving to them! That is why I love sharing tasty Welch’s Fruit Snacks in their stockings each year.
We received a fabulous surprise in the mail filled with all we need to design and stuff our very own Welch’s Holiday Christmas stocking. From glitter pens to adorable wintertime stickers, this was a great project for Hannah and Adam to sit down and let the creative juices flow. The end result was an adorable keepsake I can treasure for years to come.

The best part is that they were snacking on tasty Welch’s Fruit Snacks the entire time. The Christmas Mixed Fruit Pouches are made with real fruit and make the perfect snack stocking stuffer for everyone in the house, including yourself. Pick them up in stores now while they are available this Christmas season.



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One thought on “Welch’s Fruit Snacks Make Perfect Stocking Stuffers

  • My daughters love this! It is one of their favorite special treats! I will be sure to put some in their stockings!

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