
What Should Danny Do? New Books for Kids!

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These books will be a great addition to your children’s home library. It will have your kids asking What Should Danny Do?, and they will learn how to decide what they should do.

Introducing What Should Danny Do? a first-of-its-kind kids’ book written in a “Choose Your Own Story” format that empowers kids with the understanding that their choices will shape their days, and ultimately their lives (recommend ages: 3-8).

What Should Danny Do? is an innovative, interactive book that empowers kids with the understanding that their choices will shape their days, and ultimately their lives into what they will be. Written in a “Choose Your Own Story” style, the book follows Danny, a Superhero-in-Training, through his day as he faces choices that kids face on a daily basis. As your children navigate through the different story lines, they will begin to realize that their choices for Danny shaped his day into what it became. And in turn, their choices for themselves can shape their days, and ultimately their lives, into what they will be.

In each book, Danny is a superhero-in-training and developing his most important superpower of all: The Power to Choose. Danny encounters choices that kids encounter on a daily basis. Readers are given total control to make choices for Danny while learning the benefits of making positive choices and the natural consequences of negative ones.
What Should Danny Do? ranks at the top of many Amazon categories including: Most Wished For, Children’s First Day Of School, Children’s Social Skills, Children’s Values, Children’s Bullies Issues, and Children’s Peer Pressure. It’s a “must-have” on every bookshelf!

What Should Danny Do? books are available on the book Website, or Amazon.

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