
The Book Lover’s Guide to Spain

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Staying in spanish villas, spending time at the beach, visiting fabulous restaurants, and taking a siesta is a wonderful way to spend your time in Spain. However, if like me you’re a bookworm, you may appreciate visiting a few locations that are featured in a few novels.

Now you may not think that Spain is the ideal destination for book lovers, but you couldn’t be more wrong! Let’s take a look at just some of the incredible destinations that I know you’re going to love:


While many tourists visit Barcelona because it’s considered to be one of Europe’s most beautiful cities, not everyone is aware that it features in some real classics. Carlo Ruis Zafron’s ‘The Shadow of the Wind’ is a thriller that’s set in the city and the story takes place at the end of the Spanish Civil war.

Alternatively, you may be interested to know that ‘Homage to Catalonia’ by George Orwell mentions Barcelona and helps you to see the city from a whole new perspective.


The classic book ‘Don Quixote’ features Consuegra’s stunning windmills, which have been magnificently preserved and all well worth visiting. Found on the hillside the windmills look as if they were placed there just so they could be photographed by visitors from all over the world.

While you’re in Consuegra, why not make your way to the magnificent castle that stands so proudly? You may also want to take a trip to the municipal museum, and some of the local churches that are well worth a visit.


Granada is a stunning part of the world with its incredible scenery, history, and flamenco. It is also featured in quite a few novels including Falcones’ ‘The Hand of Fatima’ and ‘The Return’ by Victoria Hislop.

Federico Garcia Lorca’s house has now been turned into a museum and it really is worth a visit as you’ll get a real taste of what life was like when the Spanish civil war began. But most of all you’ll get a taste of the poet’s life, and how he was inspired to write such beautiful works.

Thought to be one of Spain’s most overlooked cities, Granada is known as the ‘Land of a thousand castles’ and is full to the brim of incredible Islamic architecture and some tapas bars that are well worth visiting.


Many world-famous writers have called Madrid their home and it’s easy to see why. Some of the streets in Madrid contain quotes from many Spanish writers and there are numerous restaurants, bars and landmarks that are mentioned in their books. Ernest Hemingway is thought to have spent a lot of time getting a bite to eat and enjoying a few drinks in the city. Some of the eateries and bars that Hemingway visited are still standing.

Madrid seems to be alive with energy and some museums that you must visit. Of course, you cannot come to Madrid without enjoying a bite to eat in one of the many upmarket restaurants. Indulge yourself, you know you want to!

A Few Tips and Tricks

Book lovers everywhere will enjoy visiting Spain thanks to it being featured in many a classic and more recent works. But while you’re in Spain you’ll no doubt want to enjoy a good book, so please read on for more ideas about how you can make the most of your time here:

Find a café to sit in

No matter which city or town you happen to be visiting, you’re sure to come across at least a few cafés. Why not take a book with you, and enjoy a quiet read while you sip on some delicious coffee? Most café owners do not mind you sitting and enjoying a read as long as you buy a drink or a bite to eat now and again.

If sitting in a café is not your thing why not think about sitting in a bar and reading? Just buy a few drinks now and again (They don’t have to be alcoholic), and enjoy a good read in a good bar.

Relax on the Beach with a Good Book

If you know anything about Spain you’ll know that it’s full of wonderful beaches that you simply must visit. One of the things I love to do while I’m in Spain is to find a quiet spot on a beach. Sat on a blanket with a few snacks and drinks beside me I enjoy a good read. If you would like to kill a bit of time or you simply want to read somewhere different, I recommend you take a good book with you to the beach, there really is nothing nicer.

Visit Local Bookshops

While many local bookshops do sell books that are written in Spanish, you’ll also find some books that are written in English too. This can be handy if your Spanish is not great, but buying a book there can also help to support the shop in question. There are many lovely bookshops dotted around Spain, and although they may not always be found on very busy streets, they are worth visiting. So rather than walking the beaten path why not venture a little further into the town or city and see what treasures you can find?

Spain is a wonderful country to visit, there really is something for everyone, even us book lovers out there! With so much to explore and many locations that have found themselves in a novel or two, Spain is the ideal holiday destination if you love all-things-book.


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One thought on “The Book Lover’s Guide to Spain

  • Such an amazing, informative article! Thank you! I feel us bookworms get looked over when it comes to vacations. I want to go and see classics and gorgeous libraries and histories.

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